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Becoming a Firearms Instructor: The Path to Excellence

Becoming a Firearms Instructor: The Path to Excellence

Cajun Arms Firearms training

Recently, I met someone who believed that the apprentice/coach/assistant path was not valuable and decided to go solo. Let me clarify: becoming a great instructor requires a lot of work and preparation behind the scenes, not just time spent on the range.


To be a GREAT instructor, not just a basic one, learn from those who came before you. Respect them, don't discount them, and never steal from them. The pioneers of this industry have made more mistakes and learned more from them than you can imagine.


I have been fortunate to have mentors and teachers over the years. I’ve also learned what not to do from short-term “mentors”. I strive to learn something new every day, adapting my philosophy, mindset, and techniques as new concepts emerge.


Many new instructors, focused on speed and gear, miss out because their egos overshadow their humility and desire to learn.


A hot topic in the training community is the relevance of apprenticeships in instructing. Some argue that traditional apprenticeships are outdated due to easy access to information through technology. However, most do not know the difference between good and bad information.


Watching a senior instructor run a class provides invaluable insights that you can't learn alone. You see the administrative details, the expertise needed to diagnose and fix issues, and how to handle various problems and students. This observation is a wake-up call, highlighting areas you need to improve before running your own class.


An assistant instructor or range safety officer is the firearms equivalent of a trade apprentice. This apprenticeship is the most thorough path to running your own business. While it's possible to start a training business after only being a student, many struggle with speaking, explaining, thinking on their feet, and ad-libbing.


New instructors often spend years making the same mistakes, learning how to market, expand offerings, and understanding different learning styles. Many quit or end up working at a range, occasionally teaching outdated curricula. Your students bear the cost of your deficiencies. Every mistake in your curriculum, administrative error, and unresolved issue affects them. In this business, where clients might need to use what you taught them immediately, this is unacceptable. Many people only take one firearms training class, so every detail matters. The difference between winning or losing a violent encounter, or staying out of jail, can hinge on what you teach.


You don't need years of mentorship to teach basic NRA classes. However, if you aim to teach advanced gunfighting skills, you might need that time. The quality of your instruction will validate or expose the wisdom of your choice.


Most established instructors are open to mentoring aspiring instructors. You might start with range prep and cleanup or sitting in on a class you've previously attended. As the instructor sees your dedication, they will share their experience more readily.


Many people don’t want to wear the white belt for long in any discipline, whether martial arts or defensive firearm training. Don’t skip the foundational steps. If you’re a student, vet your instructor and choose the most qualified one. If you’re an instructor, strive to be the best teacher you can be. Stay current and evolve. Teaching self-defense is both a privilege and a huge responsibility. Apprenticeship shows that you care more about your future students than your ego.

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