New Gun, New Habits
Cajun Arms Firearms Training
Safety Considerations
Your safety is your responsibility. Whether you are armed or not. No one will be there to help you in the first crucial minutes of a violent and/or criminal incident. It will be up to you to react and affect whether or not lives are lost. So many new gun owners during these crazy past few years, have purchased a gun (“I can’t believe I’m buying a gun”) and stuck it in a drawer or maybe a safe. They may or may not have ever loaded it. Perhaps some took the gun to the range, bought a holster, received a carry permit, and now they carry it. Are these people good to go? Do you think they can defend themselves?
Perfect Practice and Professional Training
A violent crime can impact anyone, at any place, at any time. Personal defense, if taken seriously, is a way of life. Hope is not a plan. Learning a defensive style of shooting is very different from plinking at tin cans or shooting a bullseye target at your local indoor range. The defensive student will need to learn to compress their skills in a very short amount of time and space into fractions of seconds. This ability will take new learned skills that should be practiced until conscious thought is not required to perform on demand. As we often say in class, during a violent encounter, what little brain power we have available needs to be focused on getting out of the situation: not trying to remember a proper grip or trigger reset. Becoming proficient in defending ourselves with a gun is much like martial arts. It takes good instruction and proper reps during practice. Lots of practice - until the motions become second nature. Do yourself a favor and take a class. Not just a basic pistol class. Take a true defensive pistol class. A well taught defensive firearms class can be considered one small shortcut to your ability to survive a violent event. Remember, while your training is important, a proper mindset is your most important tool. Be aware. You do not need to go through life being ultra paranoid, but be aware of your surroundings and the people in them. Never become too complacent. Know your exits, know your potential hot spots, and just BE AWARE. Avoidance is an underrated and often unmentioned tool. In some situations, just don’t go! Say you are walking to your parked car and see a bunch of young men loitering around your vehicle. Rather than risk any type of potential encounter, keep walking and call 911 and ask for assistance in retrieving your car. Make self-defense part of your life and always try to expand your knowledge base. Play the “what if” game with like-minded associates. Make your defensive learning a source of continuing education. Until next time, make good choices.
- Becoming a Firearms Instructor: The Path to Excellence
- Empowerment Through Precision: Elevating Your Self-Defense Firearm Skills
- Training Scars
- Vehicle Defense
- Training with Micro-Compacts
- A Follow Up to the “Hardest Shooting Fundamental”
- So You Want To Go Fast?
- The Hardest Shooting Fundamental
- Why Are You Just Standing There? Shooting From Unconventional Positions
- New Gun, New Habits
- Home Defense Shotgun Set Up
- What Should I be Doing at the Range?
- Fighting From The Ground
- Take Charge of Recoil, don’t let it control you…
- Think Before You Speak
- Grab a Partner
- The Risks of Being Nice…
- Lead With Your Eyes (not your muzzle)
- Train as You Carry… Leave the competition and tactical gear behind
- KNIFE VS GUN - A quick scenario to ponder
- Frankengun vs Factory
- Memory - Program Yourself
- Training for Injury
- Lights and Lasers and YouTube Ninjas
- Our Stance on Your Stance
- Training for More Than One Attacker…
- Keep Your Head On - Consistency
- Defensive Shotgun Accessory Do’s and Don’ts
- Charlottesville - lies and hypocrites
- Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger…
- …and Re-holster
- Unauthorized persons…
- Focus on What will Save Your Life
- Train for Success with your Firearms
- Every Day is a Good Day to Be Ready
- Appendix Carry - Is it right for you?
- Learn to see the light...
- Anti-Gun Sentiment on the Intarwebs…
- Avoidance and Awareness
- Point Shooting: Does it work? Do you know what it is?
- About your self-defense carry ammo...
- See the Whole Picture... Know how to reload reflexively
- One-Handed Shooting
- Every Bullet Has a Price...
- On Magazine Changes... fighting for your life
- There is Such a Thing as Too Fast...
- A Threat at Arm's Length
- In defensive shooting, missing your target has consequences...
- AR15 for Home-Defense
- Operating out of your Comfort Zone...
- Every Bullet Has A Price - Operational Speed
- Car (or Truck) Gun Safety
- Keep a Clear Head
- Get Training!
- Women and Firearms at Cajun Arms